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Music & Arts at the Manor

On Saturday 20 June, our annual Music and Arts at the Manor event was held.  In this article Mrs Morse, our Chair of FoS tells us more about the day.

Wet weather plan…dry weather plan… wet weather plan – with the forecast for Saturday afternoon changing almost by the hour, so we were changing our minds over where to set up for Music and Arts at the Manor.  The wet weather plan won, as wet weather plans tend to work better in the dry than dry weather plans do in the wet!  With the marquee for the band and gazebos for Pimms and Strawberries all set up in the Manor garden, and refreshments safely laid out in the Manor, we wondered why we had never used the Manor garden before – it looked really lovely!  The Tombola, Alumnae and ‘Guess the number of sweets in the jar’ stalls were also keeping dry in the Manor, and the visiting craft stalls that were grouped together as a ‘shopping village’ under gazebos in the garden had a range of beautiful  and varied handmade crafts to tempt guests.

We had been concerned that the weather and the clash of dates with both the Boat Club regatta and the D of E expeditions might bring numbers down, but plenty of people came out to enjoy the afternoon.  The sun didn’t shine too much, but the Jazz Band gave a truly dazzling performance.  The rain did arrive in short heavy bursts that wetted the grass, but failed to dampen the atmosphere.  The Art and Design displays really showed off the talents of the girls that were being celebrated that afternoon, with the award of prizes donated by FoS.  For the first time, the Technology department nominated awards for Food Technology as well as Design Technology.  Not all the girls receiving awards could be present due to the clashes of dates, but each was named and applauded.  Mr. Palmer reported his busiest year ever with visitors to the DT lab admiring the fabulous work that the girls have produced this year.  

One very happy Year 8 girl went home with 129 sweets in a jar. In the course of the afternoon, 13kg of strawberries and about 15L of Pimms were consumed – as well as numerous cups of tea, coffee, soft drinks and cakes!   All in all, a very enjoyable afternoon, and on top of all that, we raised some more funds towards the lighting system for the new hall.  The final figure is still to be confirmed, but it’s looking like it will be around £300! 

Our thanks go to all those parents who provided cakes for the refreshment stall, came and helped with setting up and/ or manning the various stalls, and the three stalwarts who marshalled the car parking to and in Shottery Fields without the benefit of a gazebo to shelter under when the rain came down.  Mrs. Frazer was, as ever, a huge help with all the arrangements – both before and on the day.  We are also grateful to Mrs. Bradshaw for coordinating the craft stalls, Mr. Palmer and Miss Taylor for nominating the Art and Design award winners, Mr. John Millett (Chair of Governors) who came and presented the awards, and of course Mrs. Burdett, Dr Jones and the Jazz band for entertaining us so beautifully throughout the afternoon.