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Psychology - Year 13 Visit to Warwick Law Courts

On Tuesday the 17th of April, 10 girls from Year 13 went to the Warwick Justice Centre for a tour of the law courts. On arrival at 9:00am, we met a court clerk - Ellie Leavsley - who gave us a guided tour of the Magistrates and Crown Courts. Here we learnt about the differing layouts of the room, and some were lucky enough to sit in various places within the court; including the dock.

We were then allowed to sit in the public gallery for any of the trials that were taking place. Most girls watched a baby shaking case in court 2 where paramedics and a paediatrician were giving witness testimonies regarding information about the baby’s condition. Others went into court 4 where many smaller trials were taking place, including missed trials and burglary.

The day ended at about 2:00pm when Mrs Casement collected us in the mini-bus and we arrived back at school just in time to see the end of the fire drill.

We all came away having had an eye- opening experience and knowing we can revisit at any time.