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Safeguarding & E-Safety


If you have any safeguarding concerns at all, please get in touch with our pastoral team, or with any member of staff you feel comfortable talking to. for Main School for Sixth Form

School Reception:  01789 293 759


At SGGS we believe that online safety is an essential part of safeguarding and acknowledge that we have a duty to ensure that all students and staff are protected from potential harm online.

We appreciate that the internet and associated devices, such as computers, tablets, mobile phones and games consoles, are an important part of everyday life and we believe that students should be empowered to build resilience and to develop strategies to manage and respond to risk online.

As children are online so much while learning at home, please do check in with your child and start conversations with them about their online activity. Check that they do know they can talk to you and how to report any concerns they may have. As always, we hope to encourage all students to be kind to one another. 

All staff are trained as part of their safeguarding training to pass on any concerns to our Designated Safeguarding Leads.

As students are spending more time both at home and online, we want to ensure that they can do this safely, that they know how to recognise risk, and that they know how to report anything that concerns them.

Online Safety at Home

Thinkuknow is the education programme of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection centre (CEOP) aimed at keeping young people safe online. They have prepared a very helpful parents’ information sheet, which you can access here

There are also #onlinesafetyathome packs prepared by Thinkuknow, which may be helpful to use at home. You may also like to follow their Cyber Aware steps, which includes how to practise good cyber hygiene, to make things a little safer too. 

The internet can be very positive, both educationally and socially. Children just need to be aware of the risks, and know how to report anything that makes them scared, worried or uncomfortable.

Please do make appropriate checks on anyone online offering educational support to you and your child. Please be advised that since the Government announcement, there has been an increase in social media posts from teachers, or people possibly posing to be teachers, offering to support families in a variety of ways. Including teaching and offering online tutoring or providing on-line support. This obviously is not regulated and open to risk when families are at their most vulnerable and in isolation. Please ensure you are mindful of this and seek appropriate advice when making alternative arrangements.

As a family, try to have technology free times, and technology free areas in the house. Share quality time together, away from technology. Ensure that your child takes regular breaks, particularly if they are working online. Having some structure to the day is also really good for positive mental health.

Be aware that parental control tools and filters are not always 100% effective and you cannot rely on them alone to protect your child online.

Talk to your child about being kind online and encourage them not to retaliate or reply to cyberbullying, and to keep any evidence of unkind, or worrying behaviour via screenshots. These incidents should be reported to the police if they are of a serious nature, otherwise report them to school, in the same way as would normally happen.


If your child discloses an online issue or concern to you, please ensure that you listen and take their concerns seriously. Also, be alert to any changes in behaviour, or if they become very secretive about their online behaviour, as this may indicate that something is upsetting them online.

Support your child to report and block people online who may have tried to contact them, or have sent them inappropriate messages or content. See below where to report to:

·Inappropriate content:

·Terrorist content:

·Child Sexual Abuse Imagery:

·Online Child Sexual Abuse:

Another important area of Safeguarding is the risks and signs of radicalisation and extremism, and how these may present in young people. Internet Matters have created a video which highlights grooming for extremism. Their website also gives expert advice on practical ways you can protect your child from being radicalised and how you can support them.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead and our Pastoral Support team are available to discuss any concerns that you may have. Please contact: 

Helpful websites to visit for more information:

Childline also provide a helpline for children: 0800 1111

BBC “Own It” Website and App: