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SGGS Sixth Form is a journey of empowerment and opportunity.  Our academic reputation speaks for itself and as young people on the precipice of life beyond education, it is hugely important that you choose a sixth form that you can trust in terms of guiding and supporting you to build resilience, accept challenge and ultimately flourish into a truly authentic and contributing member of your community.

At SGGS Sixth Form we shape futures.  We specialise in teaching so that you can specialise in learning, in an environment without disruption, distraction or stereotyping.  We actively promote an ethos of ‘Positivity, Resilience and Respect’.

Here, you will be a known and valued member of our community.  You will hone your independent learning and research skills as well as benefit from working collaboratively. 

  • Shaping Futures

    Shaping Futures

    The future is not a destination or a place. The benefits of pursuing a desired future are more valuable than arriving because when we try to shape our futures, we shape ourselves in the process.

Why Choose Us?

  • 66%

    is the average number of students completing work experience placements over the last 3 years... and the number is rising

  • 90%

    of students reached their destination of choice last year

  • 20+

    is the number of different sports disciplines played by sixth form students since the start of the term

  • 62%

    Of A- level grades were A*/A in our 2024 results.

  • 87%

    Of A level grades were A* - B in our 2024 results

Latest News

  • We believe in building skills for life beyond education...