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Hedgehog Friendly Town

Our Year 7 student Sophie, tells us more about her involvement with the Hedgehog Friendly Town Trust.  They also have a Twitter page, if you'd like to know more:  @Hedgehogfriend3

I have been part of Hedgehog Friendly Town for just over two years now with my friend Kyra. It started as just a summer project and then gradually progressed into something bigger. We began by over-wintering hedgehogs, which means that we just fed them up until they were at the correct weight and ready for release.

We then met Linda and Brian from Warwickshire Hedgehog Rescue and they taught us how to give more care to hedgehogs that were unwell.  This included giving injections, so that we could look after very poorly hedgehogs, and we learned how to use a microscope to see which parasites the hogs had and then working out the dosage for the size of the hog and which medication was needed.

We started a Facebook page, Hedgehog Friendly Town and we were really excited when we got to 100 followers. We now have over 4,000 followers which is unbelievable!  We have made numerous videos about hedgehogs and how to help them.  We have appeared on BBC Midlands Today, BBC Country File, local radio stations and won a Pride of Stratford Award. We go to local Primary Schools, Brownie groups, Cubs groups, and many other organisations to do presentations on how to help hedgehogs. Some of our videos have had over 205,000 views!

Recently we visited Loxley Primary School to give a presentation to the children, and it went really well.  If you'd like to know more about hedgehogs and how to help them, follow our Twitter or visit our Facebook!