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2018 GCSE Results

SGGS Bucks The National Predictions for GCSE Results

Despite national expectations pointing to fewer students attaining the top grade of 9 in this year’s GCSEs, Stratford Girls’ Grammar School is again celebrating the accomplishments of their Year 11 students.  78% achieved grades at 9/7 andA*/A across all of their GCSEs.  30% were at a Grade 9 and a further 26% at a Grade 8.


Headteacher, Jacqui Cornell, said, ‘We are delighted that our trend of excellent achievement continues despite the national predictions.  Once again, our Year 11 students and our staff have demonstrated great character in how they have adapted to these changes and uncertainties brought about by the newest tranche of GCSE courses.  Our curriculum remains broad and balanced in the face of government changes, enabling our students to excel across all of the courses.  Today’s results have placed our students in the best possible position to begin the next phase of their journey to their chosen long-term destination: university, higher apprenticeship or the world of work.  We are delighted that many of them are choosing to continue on into our Shottery Sixth Form and I am very much looking forward to celebrating their ongoing successes with them.’


Sixteen students achieved eight or more grade 9s. All of these girls are heartily congratulated by the school on their outstanding achievement.



2018 Headlines Statistics:

A*/A and 9/7                                                     78%

5 or more A*/C and 9/4                                 100%


Reformed GCSEs

9                                                                              30%

8                                                                              26%

9/7                                                                         78%

9/4                                                                         100%


Unreformed GCSEs

A*/A                                                                     88%

A*/C                                                                      100%