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Jo Pearson, Careers & Work Experience Advisor

In our latest blog, Jo Pearson, SGGS Career and Work Experience Coordinator, shares some insight, tips and resources available for deciding what route to take after receiving A-level grades.


Over to Jo …



Choosing a course at university enables you to gain valuable skills and earn a qualification. You can study your chosen subject in much more depth than at A-level. Studying a degree is also a great opportunity to experience a little more independence before making the big leap into employment. You will need to manage your own finances and you can experience the variety of social activities that come with student life. Studying at university also gives you more time to make career decisions about what comes next.

There are lots of options when you apply to university. You may choose to study locally or move away from home. Degree courses can be full or part time. Some courses may also include a year in industry which could help to build up valuable work experience and useful contacts.

You can apply for up to 5 different courses/universities with one application through UCAS. Find out more and search for degree courses here:



The advantage of going straight into employment after A-levels is that you would start earning money straight away with no student fees. However, you might want to consider whether the lack of a qualification might hold you back or limit your options. You may also feel that you are not yet ready for work and would prefer more time to study while deciding on your next move.

There are many different options in the world of work – you could get a part-time or full-time job, take on voluntary work, become self-employed, or even set up your own business. If you are considering employment after A-levels you will need to do your research – explore the job profiles, industries, and employers offering the kind of work and job roles you’re interested in.

Unifrog has some useful guides and articles:



A compromise between going to university and going straight into employment is to apply for an apprenticeship. This is a great way to gain a qualification whilst earning a salary and building up experience at the same time. You also have all the same benefits of being a student but without the student fees. Unlike applying to university through UCAS, you apply for an apprenticeship through the employer offering a place. Openings are advertised throughout the year so you need to keep looking to stay up to date with current opportunities.

Find out more about apprenticeships and search for opportunities via the links below:


Gap Year

Gap years can be used to enhance your CV, travel, learn new skills, and much more. You can use a gap year to gain skills and experiences, while taking time to reflect and focus on what you want to do next.

However, it is important to plan you gap year carefully and proper preparation is essential. Think about how your gap year will relate to future study at university or applications to employers. You will also need to consider how your gap year will be funded.

Find out more about gap years here:


If you remain unsure of the right path to take, everybody at SGGS is still here to help advise you. Please get in touch and we will do all we can to help you find the right path and move forwards with positivity and excitement.