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Paganism and Witches

On Wednesday the 9 March the RS Department welcomed Dr Maggie Webster who presented a talk about Paganism to full room of year 10-13 students. 

 Year 12 student, Imogen Hill kindly offered her response to the talk: 

We had the opportunity of having a talk on Paganism by Dr Maggie Webster; a senior lecturer in Education and Religion at Edge Hill University. Most of her research includes studies on Paganism, Witches and the Occult, and Contemporary Witchcraft. Before this talk, I had no idea that paganism is something you can study as a part of your university degree! It was really interesting for me to learn about the different types of witches (maiden, mother and old crone) and how in the media, including in many popular movies and books, witches and Magick are heavily stereotyped. The main example we see is of witches as “old hags/crones”, usually using their Magick for evil, this is a way of generalising and devaluing post-menopausal women. The reality is that witchcraft is a way of self-expression and having control over your life for many different types of people, not only women. Maggie’s talk was very eye opening and engaging, it has given me a new outlook on what paganism is truly about