Sixth Form Induction - All information

Open the door to your future at Shottery Sixth Form...
You should have just received your invitation to our Sixth Form Induction Day on Wednesday 29 June, a day we have planned to really help you to get to know us better: girls, staff and your chosen subjects. We hope that you will leave us later that evening with new friends, high expectations and aspirations, a clear vision of what your daily life will be like in Shottery Sixth Form – and, of course, a sense of excitement about returning in September!
Please come dressed in smart businesswear, although please do not worry if you do not yet have a suit or smart jacket – there is plenty of time for you to sort out your workwear wardrobe over the summer.
Registration and welcome refreshments will start at 8:30am and the day will begin at 9am promptly.
Please bring a packed lunch or if you prefer, money to purchase a light lunch from the Sixth Form Café.
Following supper and a drinks reception for parents/carers, you will have the chance to hear from your new Headteacher, Mrs Jacqui Cornell.
It promises to be a fantastic day and we expect all applicants to our sixth form to attend. In preparation, please find at the bottom of this page, for your ease of reference, the following documents for you to download
- Welcome letter from our new Head Girl Team
- Stretch and Challenge Curriculum Overview
- Curriculum Enrichment Overview
- Work Experience Questionnaire (please return by Friday 17th June)
If you are unable to attend, but still wish to join us in September, please ensure you let us know by emailing by Friday 17th June. That way we can ensure that all necessary documentation and A-level preparation materials reach you.
We know that you do not need luck for your forthcoming examinations - instead we will wish you success!
With our very best wishes,
The Shottery Sixth Form Team