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Geography Field Trip to North Wales

Between the 8th and 12th of October, the Year 13 A-level Geography students visited Drapers Field Centre in north Wales, in order to carry out field work and primary data collection. On the first two days, they carried out pilot studies in Llandudno and Criccieth - on both human and physical topic areas - assessing the effectiveness of their data collection methods. Students then returned to both places over the following two days, to collect all their necessary primary data using both qualitative  and quantitative techniques.

Our days started bright and early at 7am with a cheery wake up call from Mrs Whan, followed by packed lunch preparation and breakfast - a lot of staring across the table holding a hot drink and not much coherent conversation! Then it was out to collect data (plus fish and chips or ice cream if possible), before arriving back at the centre for dinner and then into the classroom until 8pm - just in time for Bake Off if they were lucky!

A very quiet coach journey home on the final day - all asleep except the staff  (seasoned veterans),- until we reached Telford Services of course! Thank you to all the students, who were an absolute credit to their parents and school, and to Mr Hall for giving up his time and driving one of the FSC mini buses.

Mrs Whan, Head of Geography