Shottery Sports Personalities and Teams of the Year 2015
What a fantastic year it has been for PE at Shottery! There was so much choice for this year’s Sports Personalities and Teams of the Year, but we have our winners. Congratulations and thanks to all girls that have taken part in the plethora of sports on offer here – you have been amazing ambassadors for the school and we are extremely proud of each and every one of you.
Girls voted for both their individual and team sports personalities, and the winners are as follows:
Senior Individual Sports Personality award goes to Ellen Stone for swimming
Senior Team award goes to the U18 Warwickshire Swim Champions
The Joe Whitacker Award, for supporting the PE department or outstanding performance goes to Grace Jeynes for her 7 years of hockey captaincy, coaching and umpiring.
The Year 10 Sports Personality of the year goes to Sofia Ward
Year 10 and Year 9 Team award goes to the U15 South African sports tour.
The Year 9 Sports Personality of the year goes to Gwyneth Jones.
The Year 8 Sports Personality of the year goes to Emily Browne
The Year 7 Sports Personality of the year goes to Rosie Cale
Junior Team award goes to the U13 Cross Country team
The overall Team of the Year is awarded to the Year 9 Rounders team
Below are a selection of pictures of the winners - well done to everyone!